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What's happening?

July 2020


Welcome our first Undergraduate Research Assistant - Rachel Williamson!

Check out her bio here

August 2020


Welcome 3 more Undergraduate Research Assistants - Jordan Headen, Xander Pitchford and Sam Walsh!

Check out their bio's here


We are moving into Cooper!

Learn more about Dr. Kalinski's Journey to Ball State here

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January 2021

Welcome our first Master's Research Student- Lora Estera, and another Undergraduate Research Assistant - Emily Desai to the lab! 

Check out their bio's here

May 2021

Congrats to UG Sam Walsh whose image was selected as an honorable mention for SLB International Day of Immunology Image contest!


Society for Leukocyte Biology

"Macrophages in Regenerating Sciatic Nerve"

Congrats to UG Rachel Williamson who was awarded a highly competitive  "Grant in Aid of Research" from the Sigma XI society! She will be studying Macrophages during Wallerian Degeneration.  

Check out more good news from student research in Biology!

July 2021

Learn more about how immunology educators like Dr. Kalinski revamped their courses in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Read the whole issue in iSLB here

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We are moving into FSB!


We are moving into FSB!

Spring 2022


Congratulations to Rachel Williamson- she received the Outstanding Senior in Biology Award this year!


New collaborative publication from several BSU faculty. This work started in our novel research methods course which gives ~96 undergrads research experience each year!

Spring 2024

The lab has been doing amazing work the past year! Check out some of our highlights below:

Congratulations to lab alum Emily Desai on acceptance to Medical School! 

Congratulations to our lab technician Julianna Bennett, on giving an oral presentation at IAS 2024!

Congratulations to lab alum Madison Mathew on acceptance to Optometry School with a full OD/MS Scholarship!! 

Congratulations to Mallory Cross on acceptance to PA School! 

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Congratulations to Jaisha Shumpert who earned 2nd place in the biological sciences session at the Emerging Scholars Network Conference!

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Coming August 2024! The Kalinski Lab is moving to The University of South Carolina!

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